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Got KAC Banned

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2010 12:45 pm
by WeeZ
HEy Kigen

For some time ago i think i used bhop script, because some of my friend told me that u could never be ban or stuff like until i got KAC. But that time i was young and stupid.... Then things change when i got KAC ban. 50 % of all the pcw i should do i could join because of the KAC ban, so now i got enought of that crap. I will never use things that can give me KAC ban. And ppl there are reading this. DONT DO IT ^^. It is one of the worse thing that can happen for a Counter Strike gamer.
So i hope i could get unbanned.

Thx for ur time

Steam_ ID

Re: Got KAC Banned

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2010 1:03 pm
by FOBioPatel
For what it's worth, this player is a 'regular' on my server which is now KAC protected. Before I installed KAC, he was not a nuisance in the server when he played.

I am not inclined to unban this player using the STEAM ID override unless the other players on the server review your response for maintaining the ban, and vote on it democratically amongst themselves.

Re: Got KAC Banned

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2010 1:13 pm
by Kigen
You were caught using LSS. That program is classified as a cheat.

Sorry, but the ban remains in accordance with LSS policy. I highly suggest you get a new Steam account.


Re: Got KAC Banned

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2010 2:00 pm
by nightrider
FOBioPatel wrote:I am not inclined to unban this player using the STEAM ID override
If I recall the ability to override a KAC ban with kac_allow has been removed.

See the topic here